Research on Autism, ADHD, and More

Peer-reviewed journal articles and other evidence-based resources for information relating to neurodivergent conditions including autism, ADHD, and more.

What is this list?

In a nutshell, it’s a list of what I would consider the “best” scientific papers I’ve come across related to autism, ADHD, or both.


Really, it’s the fruit of my independent research into whatever particular subtopic sparked my curiosity at that moment–when I come across papers that are particularly relevant, informative, interesting, intriguing, important, or enlightening in any way, I bookmark them and add them to this list.


And as I surmise that like-minded neurokin may also find value in this information, I wanted to share.


In other words… it’s a literal infodump.



I continue to add to this list whenever I can. Enjoy!