How can we optimize the brain to feel our best?

I’m not interested in miracle cures all gussied up in a thin veil of pseudoscience. You won’t find supplement stacks or snake oil here, no crystals or potions, just stuff real science says works.

If you’re ever asked any of these questions, stick around!

I explore all things related to the brain and the mind and how we can adapt it to live a happier, healthier life. From medication to meditation to video games and more, I’m interested in anything science says has the potential to unlock the mind.

My Own Path

I’ve been on a relentless search to uncover the secrets of my own brain for a while, and for good reason: I’ve had debilitating treatment-resistant depression for almost 15 years; I’m also diagnosed with ADHD, GAD and cyclothymia, officially. Clearly, I’m no stranger to the world of brain health. 

I’m also a scientist by training, and a generally curious person with interests in cognitive science, psychology, the nature of consciousness, mindfulness, mental health and wellness and all things related to the human mind. 

Armed with science and driven by self-discovery and the quest for better wellbeing as well as the desire to share my knowledge, I hope to summarize and simplify the slew of mental wellness information out there into functional, factual nuggets of knowledge. Whether you have a debilitating mental illness like me or if you’re just looking to escape the inevitable myriad stresses of being human, it’s my hope that anyone can take away some useful chunk of info to help understand the mind a bit more and maybe even feel a little better.

Stuff I Write About

When it comes to feeling and living better, I’m an equal opportunity experimenter. While I haven’t given up hope that western medicine could help me feel better, I’ve expanded my search to include some Eastern traditions (such as meditation) as well; as long as it’s backed by some kind of empirical evidence, I’m open to trying it. 

I’m not interested in miracle cures all gussied up in a thin veil of pseudoscience. You won’t find supplement stacks or snake oil here, no crystals or potions, just stuff real science says works.

I’m not looking for panaceas and no one solution will be a solution for everyone. I’m over the idea of One Pill To Cure Them All; science seems to be telling us that we often need a multipronged, personalized approach when it comes to treating the brain: a combination of therapies and strategies mirroring the unique collection of traits and quirks that make us the way we are. The same mix of treatments that works for one will certainly not work for all. But here I attempt to present the pieces of the puzzle that I’ve uncovered; I hope others can find some missing pieces as well.

That’s the journey I’ve begun with this blog, and I hope you’ll join me. 

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